Health, Healing & Longevity for 21st Century Living
Irregardless of what we know and love, the 21st century now has the research showing that a diet centered around Whole Food Plants (whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds) has the ability to prevent and reverse chronic disease, close slaughterhouses, and alleviate the environmental crisis. It's difficult to leave behind our SAD (Standard American Diet) comfort foods, but over 300,000 whole plant foods grown from our beautiful planet and packed with phytonutrients await to nourish our bodies to health and lifespans we have yet to experience. Change is scary... possibilities are thrilling. Let's do it together.
Irregardless of what we know and love, the 21st century now has the research showing that a diet centered around Whole Food Plants (whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds) has the ability to prevent and reverse chronic disease, close slaughterhouses, and alleviate the environmental crisis. It's difficult to leave behind our SAD (Standard American Diet) comfort foods, but over 300,000 whole plant foods grown from our beautiful planet and packed with phytonutrients await to nourish our bodies to health and lifespans we have yet to experience. Change is scary... possibilities are thrilling. Let's do it together.
Based in Seattle, WA for in-person support, company talks, and hands-on food preparation classes. Available worldwide for remote nutrition services.
Based in Seattle, WA for in-person support, company talks, and hands-on food preparation classes. Available worldwide for remote nutrition services.
Nutrition services for your health, healing and longevity, and that of our shared planet.
Nutrition services for your health, healing and longevity, and that of our shared planet.
Individual Diet and Nutrition Needs
Weight Loss and Management
Heart Health
Cholesterol & Blood Pressure Levels
Mental Health
Skin Care
Chronic Disease
Stress Regulation
Lifestyle Change
Preventative Care
Athletic Performance
Medication Alternative for Results